Anonymous ID: 37ad48 Dec. 20, 2017, 4:03 p.m. No.135642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5669 >>5675 >>5905 >>5950 >>6249

I would like to make a comment on the "scary but safe" message that Q has promised. Only because I have seen others worry about it or shills misconstrue what it may be.

I did get a personal message in the past that I believe was from Q or his team. Not on this board. So I will comment on how it likely to happen to you.

(and while I could prove it to some extent, as the posts are public, I won't - I don't want to lead others on the likely false path I was, not risk confusion. Too difficult to prove some of it anyway)

My message only happened because I fucked up. I admit it. I saw something that others did not see or were not speaking about. I spoke about it. I did not really understand fully. I probably still do not.I was asking for clarification. My message the next morn was in Plain sight. Yet hidden. I only saw it because I knew what I had posted, and I was bright enough to spot it amongs't the chaos. And the timing was perfect. I am not an insider, and am not really auistic enough to fully understand the messsage. I got enough to understand that some of my thinking was correct, and some of it wasn't. Understand this. Your message will likely to be in the plain light of day. It will recognize your efforts, but will be obscure enough that it gives plausible disability to both parties. Don't expect to be able to print it out as glorification of your efforts for all to see. Only you will be able to understand it. It is for you alone. recognize your contribution. And that those who count will recognize it. That is all you need. No need for vanity.

Anonymous ID: 37ad48 Dec. 20, 2017, 4:24 p.m. No.135751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5922


It's a little scary when you realize who is watching, and their power. If it happens to you you will understand. But be not afraid. In this information saturation you are always aware that someone is watching even in the abstract. Vault 7 helps understand. But the message helps clarify the intent. If I thought I was in danger do you think I would still post? The way the message was conveyed helped me understand it wasn't really that scary.

Anonymous ID: 37ad48 Dec. 20, 2017, 4:59 p.m. No.135981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6035


Best advice. Don;t share. Now is not the time. And even after unsure. The situation is fluid. Best not risk it, or yourself. I don't know what you shared, but if anything like I did, its sensitive. And time critical. The time will come for disclosure. But unless its vital, you don't have to disclose. I know what I know will have to wait.Probably for ever.

Anonymous ID: 37ad48 Dec. 20, 2017, 5:24 p.m. No.136136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6152


Wow. thanks. for your glowing advice. As a completely behind the scenes anon who couldn't really give a shit for your opinion apart from mocking i, I really appreciate your lack of opinion,

I actually am serious for a moment don't think that anyone who take my advice is serious. why follow an anon who can't prove themselves. People can follow their own advice.And recognizance guidance. And I don't really count myself. Idon't recognize myself as wise why should anyone else? Wisdom is for those who follow, not who lead. Biggest laugh of the day on your reply mate.

Anonymous ID: 37ad48 Dec. 20, 2017, 5:50 p.m. No.136286   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And how could I prove it apart from doxing myself?

You have the upper hand I could just be just another neck beard drumming out words on a computer I doubt my words will have a impressions as you seem to have made your mind up . I can only say what I feel and you take it as you will. It if effects you not, then ignore. I hate having to try to explain when explanation will be ignored. But I will try. I am not an insider. I know nothing but what I see is a by accident not by design. and I.m in a little too deep. That is all. I seek no fame. Exactly why I stay anon. I have hated stepping outside that to guide others burt will Because I have seen exactly the sort of panic I first encountered and want to counter.