Stoke city stadium, uk. Just heard about it. Some kind emp, or something, completely drained everyones cell phone batteries all at once. Might be ops.
Agree. Weve been drip feed this for awhile now.
Wow, just had a flash back. Remember when they had black hawk helicopters and white vans going through a city at night? Cant remember the city. But they were training on loading people into vans. They have been planning this for awhile.
This might have something to do with thelema, not sure. But do you know the significance of the makeup and wardrobe? Ritual?
They dont call her the empress for nothing. Probably like that queen that bathed in virgin blood.
Although the forest perspective can be eye boggling, at some level there has to be some unaware mkultra, brain scrambeld people carrying this all out.
Ok, heres my thing. All of this was known for a long time. Why now? The very MI knew about it, but they waited this long for the right people to come in? It would be hard as fuck to have to wait that long.
In place? Shit. Hire me, pay me decent and ill offem all.