If you actually knew me, and where I've been, things I've seen, you'd know I know better. EMP isn't from just big nukes. Small ones too (and how I know). I probably have a pretty good idea what the US Army has and uses. Raytheon works in radar, among other things, and yes, they've been a military contractor for a while now (since at least the late 50's). Radar based EMP is different, yet similar. I've experienced it. Microwave ovens use radar technology. Targeted radar EMP to cause a fire is theoretically possible (I just haven't seen it or heard of it yet). Knowing power distribution fairly well, I have to agree ATL wise, they either were really dumb (no backup) or complicate. I can't get into details how I know, as I'll clearly dox myself, but know I'm no fool, nor a big wig.