I'm not sure how this will be received by the board, but when Q comes back around I think we need to ask him if RH negative or any other kind of unique blood is important to this investigation. Yes, I know the conversations that are BOUND to come from this which had me thinking about the immediate response most have when the subject is brought up. It mostly follows mysticism and ancient lore of lost bloodlines, however ALL of those stories are based on the fact that roughly 15% of the population doesn't have a common ancestor with the other 85%.
But we also know that this blood type is tracked in medical databases because of it's importance in medicine. Mothers with an opposing bloodtype (the mother or child has rh- but the other does not) have to get shots during pregnancy so their bodies won't try to abort the child thinking it's a FOREIGN BODY.
So how does this all tie into CBTS you ask?
>Red Cross
>Mayo Clinic
>Blood Transfusions for a specific (((patients))) for longevity.
>What blood are they receiving? What type?
>I think we already know the answer.