Anonymous ID: 7235a8 Dec. 21, 2017, 6:58 a.m. No.139125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9163 >>9172 >>9336


Iris Weinshall.

New York City Department of Transportation.

Responsibility of DoT?

Budget for past (5) years?

Former commissioner?

Empire State Dev Corp?

Urban Dev Corp?

Dept of Economic Dev?

Integrated Resources, Inc.?

US Senator of NY?

"Follow me down the hole."


Could Q be refereeing to the secret tunnels under Central Park?

"mayor Michael Bloomberg hosted a press conference two hundred feet below the surface of Central Park. It was to remain, we were reminded again and again, even by the mayor himself, an undisclosed location; we were not allowed to tell anyone where we were." /an-artificial-cave-200-beneath-central-park-with-micha-1446538828

These people are STUPID.



Maybe all the Empire State Dev Corp, Urban Dev Corp, Dept of Economic Dev, and Integrated Resources, Inc along with Chuck S and his wife, created these tunnels to traffic children, drugs etc. etc.


Also, when you couple the tunnels that are in DC, perhaps they connected the Tunnels in NYC to the Tunnels in DC?

Anonymous ID: 7235a8 Dec. 21, 2017, 7:46 a.m. No.139336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9359





Mohamed Al Fayed had the power of attorney to the Sultan of Brunei, one of the richest men in the world. All of these men, including George H.W. Bush Sr. had contacts to many sources in the Arab world. In 1953 both Bush Sr. and Fayed were working with Singer Sewing Machine company and both were in business with George de Mohrenschildt, Fayed in 1964, Bush in the 1950s. Both Fayed and Bush have ties to the Central Intelligence Agency and to British Intelligence. Bush Sr. had worked with Hussain [sic] and O. Bin Ladin who were trained by the CIA. Sincerely, Bruce Campbell Adamson

so you've got Dodi Fayed's father, Mohamed Al Fayed , and Bush Sr. working for Singer , and the owners of Singer Sewing Machine Co. built The Dakota and Singer Castle, both said to be full of secret passageways within the building and tunnels beneath them etc. Speaking of The Dakota, Dodi Fayed had a mansion in the neighboring housing co-op, The San Remo.


Singer Castle has been repeatedly linked to the CIA and the Skull n' Bones Society.

Stanley Kubrick hinted that active occultists were living in the San Remo, in his film Eyes Wide Shut.

The film Rosemary's Baby hinted that active occultists were living in The Dakota, as is the reality emerging about residents John Lennon,the Maysles brothers, etc.


So gradually this is narrowing down to the satanic sex cults featured in both Rosemary's Baby and Eyes Wide Shut being linked to the Skull n' Bones Society, the Bohemian Club, and the British royal family. " //kurt-cobain-mind-control-t17443p94.html

Anonymous ID: 7235a8 Dec. 21, 2017, 7:49 a.m. No.139359   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"The 1966 film Angelique and the King references an Eyes Wide Shut occult Catholic Order type

infant sacrifice ritual (set in 17th century France):"


What is happening in those tunnels? And does Empire State Dev Corp?,Urban Dev Corp?, Dept of Economic Dev?,Integrated Resources, Inc.?,US Senator of NY? have anything to do with it?


Follow me down the hole.