It fits in with 666 and 'Hells Bells' the Island drifting away too…(ravens of the Tower of London)
Hells Bells – 666 AD Creation of the Beast System
Yep RNA is known as a 'messenger' so kinda like little tiny Angels lol
What do you guys make of this? Saw it last night. 43 Fema Concentration camps and Executive Order stood out to me…
New Documents Reveal Plans For Martial Law and FEMA Camps … › US News
Sep 29, 2016 - F.E.M.A. [Federal Emergency Management Agency] has been authorized for the past 15 years by Presidential Executive Orders to confiscate ALL PROPERTY from the American People, INCLUDING GUNS, separate families in the current 43 internment camps [already built and operational by the way, 5 of …
oops link
Europeans were African until the Albino Central Aisan (Caucus) Khazars came but looks like the topic of the thread has drastically changed so ima drop this convo for another time :)