From last night's bread, looks like Washington and California both have swampy state gov's. Praying for a clean and quick drain.
Anonymous 12/20/17 (Wed) 21:32:24 ID: 047a2a No.137585>>137603 >>137607 >>137619
Source: http://82.221. 129.208/.zo3.html
BUSTED BUSTED BUSTED. I tried to post this at 1 PM today but my bandwidth ran out. HERE IT IS.
Three separate news anchors reported that the state and city were on scene ready to respond instantly to the train wreck because they were running an enormous disaster drill at the exact time and location of the Amtrack derailing.
This confirms 100 percent that I was completely right when I said the train was going 30 and was knocked off the tracks on purpose. It might have been going less but was absolutely not going faster. The bottom line is that this train went off the tracks AS PLANNED by saboteurs who were operating via the shadow state at the state level. The following video proves it.
In this video (which is served by this web site and not Youtube because it is sure to get censored) three different news anchors, two of them who are on scene, talk about "how lucky they were" that an emergency preparedness drill was happening at the train crash site right at the exact same time the train went off the tracks (obviously to make the drill as realistic as possible I guess).
[direct video link - not yootoob: http://82.221.129. 208/trainingforderailment.mp4
PS. Q, the guy who owns the above website is having severe problems with donations, message windows, etc. Please see to it that you find the operators who are trying to do him in. This is NSA level stuff that is going on with him. More info about what is happening to him with donations are on the page link given above. I have also saved a copy if this info 'disappears'.