Anonymous ID: 1f5fdf Dec. 23, 2017, 6:36 p.m. No.161467   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm not sure what The Economist is trying to meme, but it is interesting you bring up tarot. Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet, and the 17th card of the tarot is The Star. The Star is depicted emptying out two water pitchers, an act which symbolically depicts emptying oneself in order to gain new knowledge and understanding.


Very interesting.

Anonymous ID: 1f5fdf Dec. 27, 2017, 1:11 p.m. No.189054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9193 >>9581 >>9919 >>8647


>Are you awake yet?


I think so. I think I've been awake for 6 months, ever since Trump appointed the new FBI director. Christopher Wray. Trump tweeted it out at 4:44 AM. Will never forget it.


To be honest, this is what I fear. I knew this Q thing would happen at least 6 months back, and the signs have been conspicuous. It seems to be because I have a knack for spiritual knowledge, although I have been reluctant to put it into practice. Also, I've gotten torn apart a few times due to certain imbalances of energies…


Right now, the best I can think to do is lurk and answer questions that anons have during this endeavor. There's lots of things I would like to say, but it depends on anons being ready to hear it, and I don't think most are ready. The things I can do that I might like to teach to others only make sense given a certain background level of knowledge, and /cbts/ is obviously supposed to provide that to anons. I have my own Great Work to contribute which I wrote for precisely these anons… but I have held off putting it out there because I doubted there was really anyone who it could help. Now I believe there are, and I trust Q to bring it to those whom it is meant for.

Anonymous ID: 1f5fdf Dec. 27, 2017, 2 p.m. No.189612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0233


When my Great Work is ready, you will find it. It's not meant to be posted here, though. It turned out a little… prophetic.


If anons have questions, I can do my best to answer. I think people will have more questions soon.


Earlier this year I had a strange dream. About that time I took some notes, philosophical speculations about 'maps' and how they work. They might be useful to anons in this thread, as I suspect there is a personalized element to some of Q's posts - or so there seems to me. These are some of my notes:


>The map provides instructions for how to get from point A to point B

>Maps - not only geographic/ratio(nal), e.g. subway map

>A map cannot be judged by whether it "represents" reality more accurately, but by whether it is useful to the individual for navigating reality.

>Usefulness in part depends on competency of the individual; maps are not self-evident.


>A compression is useless without being decompressed.

>Decompression is an endeavor of the individual.

>Requires recognition by the individual - "it is this kind of map; I will/would decompress in this kind of way."

>Testing decompression standard - it is this kind of map if it leads to this picture when interpreted as instructions for navigating reality.

>Circularity of maps/reality: map and reality are co-dependent.

>The map is a part of reality/the territory.


Maps are a really amazing technology when you think about it. A rational compression of reality which information can be decompressed by the individual to help him make his way to his destination. The principles of cartography are related to the way we use and interpret language, as signs representing conditionals we incorporate into our own decision trees. Maps represent a set of "If you go here, you will encounter this." Something which I've been applying to Q's maps, and it makes a lot of sense if you view the map as a compression which anons are working to decompress.


Something significant about maps is that they only need to exhibit "rational parity," rather than "spatial parity." In the example here for Seoul's subway system, there is not a strict 1:1 correspondence between the map and the geographic reality it represents. However, there is a rational parity, in that it represents the information required by an individual to understand how to use the system to get from point A to point B. The US highway system map is even more abstract, but still represents sufficient information that an individual could theoretically get from NYC to LA followings its directions. Some maps will be better for certain kinds of information rather than others - for example, a topographic map is more useful in certain situations rather than others.


And I don't know what kind of map Q's map is supposed to be, and it's bugging me. I don't think there is a single system in use, and if there's AI's involved then there is the potential the "key" is not available to any single anon, but must be developed by accumulating together our collective knowledge.


At least, if I were Q, that's how I would do it.

Anonymous ID: 1f5fdf Dec. 27, 2017, 3:26 p.m. No.190341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1425 >>8647


>posting more of your ideas


Thank you, I will. Once I get going I'm like a torrent so I'm usually more reserved than I need to be, but I think anons here will be able to keep up. I'm going to have to figure out how I'm going to explain this, and where to begin.



/cbts/, the collective consciousness decompression telepathy board. Exciting!


Soon anons will learn why we are here. And they will learn it from the world around them.

Anonymous ID: 1f5fdf Dec. 27, 2017, 8:28 p.m. No.192511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7238 >>3422


I suppose I really don't need to hold back then.


Think of an individual consciousness like you would an atom. On the one hand, the nature of the atom helps it to form certain relations with other atoms. On the other hand, existing in such relations with other atoms can also stabilize that particular atom's form. Remove the atom from its chemical relations, and it might be susceptible to rapid transformation into other forms.


Some atoms are of a nature they form bonds with almost all other elements. And some elements only form bonds with atoms of the same. Some are extremely stable and will retain their individual form for millions of years. Others are extremely unstable and tend to disintegrate as soon as they are formed.


The 20th century first brought certain "spooky" quantum effects into view, such as entanglement.


Imagine you could run some programs making associations from live data of hundreds of millions of Americans. You ran it through intensive machine learning. Eventually you start finding curiously related "coincidences" occurring between people who have no connection to each other. Yet, when one person does one thing, the other person always does the other, as if they are synced to the same thing. They're synced so well, you can even predict what one person is doing simply by observing the other. In fact, you even find you can influence someone by influencing their seemingly entangled counterpart!


Newtonian physics was very much a science of the immediately visible. While telescopes and microscopes augmented the powers of the natural senses, its proof was primarily in what could be directly seen and heard. It was especially focused on three-dimensional, continuous aspects of observable reality. If the Newtonian paradigm were concerned with a phenomenon which presented part of itself at a regular frequency, it would infer - even if it could never observe this reality - that the phenomenon continued out of sight. You even confirm this by arranging for two cases of the phenomenon to interact with each other in a way that your theory predicts will produce an observable effect, and it does. But that does not prove it to be true - the inference was dictated as much by the paradigm.


What anons are trying to do with normies is induct them into a completely new socio-epistemic paradigm. A certain momentum has already been imparted to them by the contrivances of Satan's war machines, it is our task to redirect this psychospiritual energy to new, virtuous ends which will promote human flourishing once more. From the collective anon consciousness a new paradigm will be created that not only rebuts the modern "secular" religion, but subsumes it within a new understanding that restores humanity's spiritual birthright.


To that end we have been gathered. It is our duty to create a knowledge construct to survive the flood. Knowledge to remember we are human through the tribulation ahead.

Anonymous ID: 1f5fdf Dec. 28, 2017, 8:47 p.m. No.200343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0335


Right now I'm being selective. A new vehicle of consciousness is a lot like a party. If you can persuade a few of the most outgoing people to come to your party, then others will naturally follow. I've also arranged some help from higher powers.


Those selected will know they've been chosen. It'll hit them over the head like a hammer dropped from a very great height. I am seeking peacemakers ready to heal a sick world.


We don't need more fire or destruction or hate. We need creation and light and love.


The world is a more beautiful and wondrous place than Satan's evil can corrupt.

Anonymous ID: 1f5fdf Dec. 31, 2017, 9:53 p.m. No.220819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0921 >>1019 >>6460


Thank you. Though I do feel God could have chosen someone better for this. I keep feeling the call to lead, but I am reluctant to do so.


I will be honest. What I would like to say is "Fuck you God, these people treated me like shit my whole life - NOW you want me to be the one to give them what they need?"


I'm going to pray on this. If other anons have prayer traditions or something similar, it would be appreciated.

Anonymous ID: 1f5fdf Dec. 31, 2017, 10:31 p.m. No.221019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6593 >>6085


Deep down, this is what motivates me in everything I do. It is the most important thing I know. It is a truth known to many before, but it seems - especially in our materialistic age - nearly everyone has forgotten this.


The truth is this - we are all created of the same eternal spirit. The material vessels of this spirit might pass away, but it is the same spirit regenerating itself in each new form. The world we leave for ourselves is one of the most important aspects of existence, and neglecting this reality leads people towards vices condemning themselves to untold generations of suffering. Whatever we create with our lifetimes will be inherited by our future selves. Many people live as though whatever is left after they die is something they won't have to deal with - how terrible for them!


Something motivating me in this lifetime is preparing materials in order that, after my death, I will be able to remember this truth in my next lifetime. This is not the first lifetime I have known this truth, as it is a truth reflected by many great religions. In that sense I am not trying to accomplish anything new. What concerns me is renewing this knowledge. And the renewal of this knowledge requires more than simply writing it down. This knowledge is more than an idea, it indicates a purpose, a meaning, a telos to our lifetimes. It is knowledge putting everything we do in perspective.


There are some people who have afflicted me terribly. I forgive them. My burden is greater than their hatred. This burden is also freeing. I know my life purpose. I know why I have been given the gifts I have.


Consider this a New Year's resolution. I will pursue this purpose above all other things.



Thank you for your link. It is very helpful in setting aside some of my worries.