Agreed wholeheartedly. You speak Truth, with human factors of course. Do not despair. I have seen evil, I have been evil myself, controlled by demons, my world view closed. Such a powerful, beautiful force of universal energy of Light awaits the seekers, those who struggle, those who affirm their wants and desires in accordance to the Existence, even if they lack the strength in this very moment to face the evil that is within them. The choice matters. The energy you have and seek matter.
I know this. This virtual world allows you to enter a trance-like state where your power is drained of you. You don't feel smarter, wiser, more Loving and more independent after a violent video game session. You feel drained. That is why such energy is incompatible with those of the Light, so it is wise to be aware of this and FEEL what you are doing, is it for the good of all or just a limited waste of time and energy. It's a call to sleep, and you should be aware of it.