Anonymous ID: ae6988 Jan. 5, 2018, 2:49 p.m. No.251355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1479


>Some days I really wonder why if God wanted me to help these people did he send so many shitty ones to cross my path


I assume to show how big of a mess He made this time.


Most people think of the corruption which Q highlights represents something like a tumor, and its removal will naturally lead to the flourishing of the rest of the body. What they don't realize is we are at a point in our civilization's decline where corruption has set in at the cellular level. Many of our leaders and authorities are compromised in a technical, legal sense, but more significantly the average citizen is spiritually compromised preventing any solution from actually arising to restore the social body to health. Many of the indicators and norms which people now associate with things like "psychological health" or "moral awareness" are themselves inversions of nature. The deeds of the elites stand out for their ostentation, but their deeds arise from the same spirit I've observed in most "normies" - apathy to the point of spiteful malice. When it comes down to it, all the powers of Hell are leveraged through the lukewarm.


I don't think anons here are enough to overcome the world's spiritual darkness - yet. But, I do believe we can concentrate our light where seekers will find it.



The single defining trait would seem to be "has a good spirit and the means to effect good." They are usually singled out from a very young age - many are from bloodlines, so their individual potential is based on their family - and put through an endless series of "personality tests." Those who can be corrupted/controlled find success and promotion into positions of prestige and influence, while those who don't suffer "bad luck."



You're not crazy, anon.