I'm gonna guess ZUMA is one of these two or both as both deal with human sacrifice and cannibalism, ugh
In February of 1519 Hernan Cortes landed his fleet of eleven ships near what is today Vera Cruz, Mexico. The local ruler, Montezuma, sent gifts to them believing them to be the prophecy of the Aztec legend Quetzalcoatl, the sun god that was foretold to appear in the year 1519 - a nice coincidence for Cortes. A legend that stated the sun god would return to the Aztec lands to sit upon the throne, and he would have shining hair and white skin.
Well, the gifts only showed the Spaniards that where there was some, there must be more. Cortes and a large group of local tribesmen fed up with the Aztecs, reached the capital of Tenochtitlan on November 18th of that year and were welcomed with a ceremony fit for the Gods. Montezuma again gave more treasures to the Spanish.