Praise to fresh bread.
Thank you baker!
Praise to fresh bread.
Thank you baker!
Continuing resolution
>Link is broken in dough, unsure why.
>Will be remedied for next bake.
Well done baker.
Keep up the good work.
WOW! Just watched the video of Nikki Haley addressing the UN.
She laid a gauntlet down to ALL those nations.
Guess we'll see who all causes the UN to get the boot out of the US.
Fix trips, BO.
I've been posting that all up and down this board.
>Tell Nikki Haley thank you for a great job at the UN today for me!
Especially if they can't pay their utility bills!
Any news of missiles being fired by the Huthi or Iran during this UN session?
Don't need a list of countries, they pretty much are ALL abstaining.
There is a list there, grab someone and follow their trail.
>Nikki says: consequences
From what I understand from her address to the UN prior to the speech, we will be saving LOADS of monies by not supporting the UN's efforts.
The UN will fall into a trashy Motel 8, the peace keepers will start hurting for funds, will shutdown any and all Humanitarian efforts, probably including trafficking that we don't EVEN know about yet, and so on.
Those will be the consequences she speaks of.
>This vote means absolutely NOTHING.
Of course it does! The monies we are about to be saving!
Good one