Top KeK. Class anon. Class.
Hey anon, good to see you. Check the 'latest findings section in the OP, and the link to the previous days. That's a good run down. There's been more today, and Q may have an issue with his trip that 8Chan coders are checking into. The untripped posts are at the top. Godspeed.
I have it on good authority that there are some funky things up with the board. BO and 8Chan coders are looking into it. Meanwhile, Q can post on other threads with his trip, or here w/o the trip and verify with the trip on another thread.
It's a blip which can easily be worked around until fixed.
Here's some of which has been posted on the EO. There's more at the top of the OP.
New Executive Order on Human Rights & Corruption
Executive Order on Human Rights and Corruption - https://
Treasury Department Tweet - >>>/cbts/139481
United States Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors Across The Globe
DC Is Getting a Clean House
EO targeting ANYONE who as an abuser or corrupt actor in ANY way, shape or form. >>>/cbts/139492
Here are two videos about people named on the Human Rights Sanctions List put out by the Treasury Dept. Very informative
Was this the exchange? >>>/cbts/140844
Was this the exchange and response?