Should be played in the background. Sets the mood.
Yes, they call him big daddy for a reason.
The cult is based on deception with the understanding that if they take it all on face value then they deserve to be mislead. Blue lodge is only 3 degrees, thus master mason is the 3rd. Its only until you go higher and higher does it start to don on them whats going on. Most dont go above the blue lodge even though the symbolism is right in their face.
Then why didnt you solve the problem? You know, risk yourself?
I on occasion have gone down to their public breakfasts. But im not saying its expensive, its just that my current finances wont allow for it. Still, i walked around looking at the symbolism. They probably thought i was crazy or something because i knew what the symbols meant and would laugh out loud.
You god damn goon! Do you not see he is speaking code? As above so below? Mirror imaging ALOT! Its…oh fuck it. Just look up john dee and his mathmatics.