do you believe the words of the Bible?
how many kings of the house of Judea good kings?
How many kings of the house of Israel were good kings?
Who is Satan?
Is Satan real?
Can people be demonically possessed, like, for real?
do you believe the words of the Bible?
how many kings of the house of Judea good kings?
How many kings of the house of Israel were good kings?
Who is Satan?
Is Satan real?
Can people be demonically possessed, like, for real?
I won't say you're wrong, because most, if not all, parts of the Holy Scriptures, can be interpreted properly in multiple fashions.
I will say that the translation of Isaiah 14:12, which is the relevant scripture, is a horrible translation out of Hebrew to phosphoro by Jerome in the Latin Vulage to Lucifer in the KJV.
Jacked up translation.