Keep digging patriots
Keep fighting
Keep pushing
WE have the power
The individuals have the power
Keep Memeing
Keep Spreading
Keep talking about it as best as you are able to
Spread the book of Q
STAY hopeful
STAY positive
Learn new skills
Get better at your current skills
Pray for a good resolution
Pray for the bad actors to be flushed out and squashed
Pray for the future of our children and grandchildren
This is our fight patriots, we are the ones who must carry the torch.
Never give up.
Been here from the very start and still following, memeing, working, spreading.
Look how far we have already come:
We have defeated Tranny porn slides, racists slides, 1 website change, 1 board split, constant attacks from super computers, bot attacks, DDoS attacks.
Our enemies cannot stand in our way for we bring freedom to the good people of the world.
Stay sane during this holiday season, remember to take breaks, come back refreshed with a new mind.
If you are overwhelmed then take a break and ponder a new topic, a new branch of the tree.
There are more people supporting you than are against you.
There are more people supporting you than are against you.
We are the calm before the storm
We are the storm
We are the aftermath that will help the country come together.
Keep up the fight anons.
Never give up.