Two psychological phenomena that need to be recognized and memed to help educate people are some vulnerabilities that exist and blind us to reality. The first involves intelligence. I have friends in Silicon Valley that can not believe what I am telling them because it is so counter to what all of their “super intelligent” friends believe. I wish I knew the name of this phenomenon, but I am sure one of you anons does… Basically their high intelligence creates a blind spot. One comes to rely on ones intelligence to such a high degree that they assume it also applies to other skills (like lie detection), when it actually doesn’t (necessarily). If a smart and charismatic peer tells you a lie, your intelligence is not likely to catch it unless it is an obvious lie. Lie detection ability is a trait that is not the same a general intelligence and does not necessarily co-run with having a high IQ.
The second psychological phenomenon is making the assumption that other people are like us and think like us, and that they therefore share the our same value system. A perfect example of this can be currently observed in Scandinavian countries who assumed that the immigrants they were allowing in were like them, so they assumed they would be grateful. And of course, we all know the sad truth, and the lesson is that we must remain students of history and of scientific psychological findings in order to protect our beautiful, compassionate and loving culture!
Thank you SO MUCH to POTUS and the Q group for their wisdom and for leading the fight to MAGA! Then on to MEGA! Godspeed! Our prayers are with you!!!