Space X Launch with Satellites aboard
Here's the video from the Command Center:
That's conventional thrusters –→ of this planet
I think it was 830 ish EST but they thought it was PST
They may not be disclosing the genuine intent of the mission but that device is very terrestrial. Anything that travels beyond our atmosphere doesn't propel with standard combustion engines.
It's not "alien" if that's what your thinking & spreading that it could be detracts even more from the CRUX OF THE PROBLEM –→ ELITE PEDOPHILIA & CHILD SACRIFICE at the VERY TOP.
>Queen, Pope, Ex Presidents, etc. It's how they maintain control
Get back to it
I'm proud of you guys
You better duck & cover!
That's the AntiChrist. As Above, so below. Because it's a root it signifies the underworld.