Any stock brokers? So with the executive order, when it comes out about Schmidt and his rights violations…be wise to short google?
So odds of NK getting rocket and other tech via Iran…deep state caught arming Hezbollah…I think NK is a deep state proxy for sure but they have been labeled a proxy of China and Iran also ties to Russia.
Quite a few highly connected google employees and programmers dead in the last few days
I think that Elon musk chose the side opposite the globalists, google, etc…not a shill! Just might need to adjust our thinking there…
Should reply: or just another spacex/cia fuck-up!
X22 made a pretty good point of the timing anencephaly reasoning. Really recently on YT
And ran it back to his handlers in Iran?
Clinton declared in a new interview that she is a robot, implying that humanity should despair and bend to her superior A.I. will by voting for her in the 2016 election.
I do believe they were infiltrated by the cia and deep state possibly to backdoor Russia and Putin’s support.
We were told today that we could expect a “war” with NK I. Which we would we see weapons systems never before disclosed. So you could be right!
Copy that…I pray we’ll see a public exclamation of his crimes…Normie friend on fb is fucking pissing me off with his liberal bullshit brainwashing!