So what happens if i know the key? Do i get to stay?
Damnโฆguess il just sit around and do nothing :p
Damn, just turned into a weapon! Ok. Love=369. A real bad guy, or entity, lives in the form of lighting. He gains pesal energy based on how much energy we throw out. This energy creates time. Thus, the more energy we put out the more we become trapped in the beast system called time. Ex: nuke goes off - creates time. In short we be dealing with some smart mo fos. There going to let us kick our selfs out while they get to stay and live like gods. They want us to force got to kill us. ALL of this is to enslave god.
They tell us what their going to do not to mock. Per the bible if you dont tell people about what your going to do its on them, that way they inherit the earth while we get kicked off. The whole principle is to create such energy that they no longer need us to sustain it. This energy then becomes and endless loop.
Also heres some other shit.
Q said: 1248. But it continues: 124875 and keeps looping 124875124875. Its tesla vortex mathmatics. But notice, 369 are left out. These numbers create a triangle. They are seperate. 9 is the number of god, 3 and 6 govern the other numbers. 9 is seperate from it all, detached.
Another tip: they call times square, times square for a reason. Its where two very important people were killed. Ra was one of them. Times square= cube beast system of time. Weww.
Earth lost 3 years the last time it was hit, the event. Because of that lack of time the dates are screwed. 3 year cycle caught up dec,2015. Dec, 2017 is the end date for the event, we failed this event 6 times in the past. ITS NEAR!!
Ah haaaaaaaa, you dirty prick i love ya. Hahaha
Hitlers brain