Very relevant
Yeah most eye brows don't get thinner towards the nose…it's the Left eye.
I read that but still seems odd. Thanks for the reminder. He said something like it will have to orbit Mars x amount of times…
True story. It's easy to get lost in the numbers and distracted by patterns etc.
Right there with you anon
We are going to expose these demons and expel them from our realm.
Q can you confirm pope(s) involved, planned cities, and worship of Orion/Plaeidian constellations?
Welllll some believe them to be the same source..
Checked for validity
Q what can we do to help?
Can you point us in a direction?
More memes?
More connect the dots?
More spreading to other sites?
Also same as Lucifer right? Also Nut?
I would like to add to this the fact that it is not just nukes they are worried about. These cult fuckers also know we have a significant catastrophic impact headed towards our planet scheduled to arrive around 2036.
SpaceX is among numerous organizations publicly and privately trying to "solve" the Apophis astroid. Just to add to the Egyptian theme; Apophis is the serpent from the abyss that swallows our planet but was battled by RA and defeated.
As an example of one organization trying to prevent this disaster we have MIT using MUONs (cosmic rays) to map the surface of the astroid and potentially find ways to alter the path etc.
The name of the project is SET.
>Pic related
Don't trust your first hand…
It's Jason Buffington a security manager for MGM following behind a group of LVMPD cops using MACTAC team to escort a paramedic through the ground floor of the Tropicana shortly after the Vegas shooting.
Buffington has a FB under the name Jason Buff and works for Smash it Sports and is a pro softball player/coach in Vegas. He has a LinkedIn and YT channel as well. He personally came out and verified that was him in the video.
Slightly surprised no one found this post relevant >>157165 since we are talking about a group of global cabalists that would want to devise an escape plan from this planet. Literally Musk was raised by DARPA and has wanted to colonize other planets since he was a teen.
I know it's a big pill to swallow but our planet will be destroyed sometime around 2036. The elite are building there ark and looking at population control etc.
Apophis astroid…look it up. We know it's coming towards us.
For some reason I have been forced into this Jason Buffington argument so many times. I feel like I should go meet him. There are so many retards that think a SA prince would be walking behind a exfil team in the immediate aftermath of the most deadly shooting in US history. What the fuck would Academi/Triple Canopy operators say?
It's an astroid that has been on a path to hit us forever. It may be a narrow miss in 2036 but it is going to impact us. There is a reason it's called Apophis. When we realize the tbtb have been planning their evacuation for years and we won't be invited we will have complete chaos. 99% in the hospital. Mass sacrifice (holocaust) and only pure genes/blood, and wealth buy a ticket. We already have Hollywood scripts to tell us how this goes down. They may even use blue beam to make us think people have been raptured etc and taken to Heaven as they evacuate and leave us behind to face Apophis. It will be a beautiful sight.