> don't know if I'm clear, my english isn't that good.
your english is fine. we can understand you
> don't know if I'm clear, my english isn't that good.
your english is fine. we can understand you
they intend for the government to have been overthrown by the time they're back in session. They're all scurrying overseas and hiding in bomb shelters
I found a keystone. This grants authority to the Red Cross and the UN to resettle and intern the American populace.
Field manual (FM) 3-39.40 is aligned with FM 3-39, the military police keystone. . .AGENCIES CONCERNED WITH INTERNMENT AND
External involvement in I/R missions is a fact of life for military police organizations. Some
government and government-sponsored entities that may be involved in I/R missions includeโ
International agencies.
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
International Organization of Migration.
U.S. agencies.
Local U.S. embassy.
Department of Homeland Security.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Federal Emergency Management Agency.
The U.S. Army National Detainee Reporting Cent
er (NDRC), supported by theater detainee
reporting centers (TDRCs), deta
inee accountability, including repor
ting to the ICRC central tracing
There are also numerous private relief organiza
tions, foreign and domestic, that will likely be
involved in the humanitarian aspects of I/R operations. Likewise, the news media normally provides
extensive coverage of I/R operations. Adding to the complexity of these operations is the fact that DOD is
often not the lead agency.
For instance, the DOD could be tasked in a supporting role, with the Department
of State or some other agency in the lead. (See appendix E.)
so when did you get the owl tattoo?
The funny thing is that his friends say he wants to retire in 90 days when he's got a full pension. That last 90 days might as well be a million years. He's fucked.