I'll bet you found it anon.
>CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)
One match for that is https://home.kpmg. com/content/dam/kpmg/nz/pdf/July/submission-tot-kpmg-nz.pdf
>Commented [CJF78]:
his seems a strange result and
analysis. Note that BD 1(3) refers to non-residentโs
foreign sourced amount which is defined in section BD
1(4) which in turn refers to YD 4. This suggests that
section YD 4 must apply whether or not the income is
ultimately excluded income or not.
Has to do with taxing trusts.
Nice find. Shitter must burn to the ground.
Remember the stories that broke in '16 about wealthy US """"elite"""" moving to, or buying land in, NZ? That document as you probably noticed is from NZ. It feels pretty clear to me that it's a message to the niggers that their money, worldwide, is being taken. )lul(
Don't forget the Tumbl CEO that resigned. The faggot tech-left went so hard SJW to craft a public false image that's the opposite of their secret child raping reality.
Yea, like vets, with the HIV-tainted nigger blood from Arkansas prisons through the Canadian company the dead couple were involved with, compliments of the Clinton Crime family.
Checked. Old one was better.
>we're better because we JUST gave you aids, we didn't make a fake comment about aids
The absolute state of the left in 2017.
No alien fag, no.
>hillary illegally stored your country's secrets on a private server in a bathroom
2 "we"'s in Q post and in Paine's tweet.
>Side-by-side graphic?
Side-by-side nigger, that means Q's posts and DJT tweets next to each other.
Faggot shill the condensation doesn't stick around for more than a few seconds. Yea that's definitely the same thing as sticking around, in perfect lines, for minutes. Dumb nigger shill.
Is enough. org connected to KPMG, New Zealand, or trust accounts? If so both items of Q's post connect to it.
Newfags from Jewtube my man.
We need a 2x6 grid of Q posts and Trump tweets lined up and made.