Anonymous ID: 24f28b Dec. 23, 2017, 2:07 p.m. No.159186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9617



[DNC BREACH / DOSSIER] US Intel concluded based on info given by Crowdstrike (A private company funded by Google to the tune of 100mil— discussed later),that Guccifer 2.0 was responsible for DNC hack and subsequent Wikileaks drop, known as Pode_sta Emails. They also concluded, based on Crowstrike intel, that Guccifer 2.0 was a Russian agent/entity. When breech was first discovered, DNC declined F_I help; brought in Crowdstrike, a private a crisis/intel forensics team which wiped all intel from servers/ hardware so no evidence of malfeasance would remain.

The HRC controlled DNC Hired Fusion GPS to create ‘opposition research’ on DJT which lead to the phony ‘Russian Dossier’ in attempt to deflect from DNC breech/WL drops and her use of private servicer to send/receive classified emails on.

[SR]Seth, a B Sanders supporter learned of DNC donor$ being shifted from BS to HRC. He copied what would become know of the Podest_ Emails onto thumb drive and arranged for them to get to Wiki. Wet works. DC. ‘Botched Robbery.’

[WL]Wiki L received SRich’s thumb drive with metadata from DNC, which was controlled and funded by HRC (Hillary later admitted the DNC was left broke by Hussein and CF funded it), had arranged for donors’ $ to be shifted to HRC from B. Sanders; as well as other damning revelations: See WL Po_esta Emails.

HUSSEINBHO had knowledge of possible Russia hacking in early fall (same hacking that, after DJT was elected, BO would use as fuel to expel Russian diplomats and close 2 Russian owned compounds in MD and NY) but denied Russia Interference because HRC was ringer to win; wanted no excuses from DJT for his impending loss.

DNI DIR Clapper: allow for illegal ‘wiretapping,’FISA, unmasking along with Brennan.

CLOWN DIRMuslim, Brennan: organizes FISA unmaking of Flynn, et al. Leaking of intel

CLAS: 1-12>

GOOGpart of VC’s that funded Crowdstrike with 100 mil. CS was the private company that were the ‘fixers, for DNC server breech (bleach-bit) GOOG also controls algorithms. Negative HRC stories buried. + promoted.

Anonymous ID: 24f28b Dec. 23, 2017, 2:08 p.m. No.159201   🗄️.is 🔗kun


CROWDSTRIKECS, a private company, which was called in to do forensics on DNC server hack, instead of F_I, has been providing investigators with what former Director JC described in June as the "relevant forensic information… needed to understand the intrusion.” Servers wiped clean of info such as DNC funneling B Sander’s funds to HRC, which Seth uncovered and ultimately gave to WLeaks.

DNCDebbieWS: Arranges for $$ from donors shifted to HRC: Seth R_ch

(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>

DWS_DIR Po_esta Emails leaked; revealed corruption within DNC (giving debate questions to HRC ahead of time, for example). Debbie steps down. DonnaB comes> finds out about corruption. Details in her book, ‘Hacks’— released AFTER election.

-I/D-J ASSISTB.Ohr held the rank of associate deputy attorney general, a post that gave him an office four doors down from Deputy Attorney General R.Rosenstein. Ohr held his secret meetings last year with the founder of Fusion GPS, GlennS, and with Ch.Steele, the former British spy who compiled the dossier, the Justice Department stripped Ohr of his deputy title. Ohr’s wife also worked for Fusion (small co ~16 employees) at the time the Dossier was compiled on DJT. AndyMC(wife, Jill, given 500k for failed Dem senate run by CF): Sets up ‘insurance’ plan with PeterS and Page to ensure DJT cannot win— ‘The Russian Narrative.’

“INSURANCE" See above. Also, Weiner’s laptop confiscated by NYPD secondary to AW sexual charges with minorHuma kept HRC email’s on his laptop. Allegedly, Weiner had a file marked ‘insurance policy,’ on laptop (maybe damning info on HRC that he could use as a bargaining chip for lesser sentence). NYPD finds potentially classified files from HRC and potentially read some of the info. Forces JC to get ahead of NYPD’s potential revelations. JamesC reopens HRC investigation bc of undisclosed laptop— something he did not want to do bc he was guaranteed a spot in HRC regime because he had been a good fixer. Of course, Comey had to bc fall guy after investigation was reopened.

Anonymous ID: 24f28b Dec. 23, 2017, 2:09 p.m. No.159205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9830


HUSSEIN>On Dec. 29, 2017 (AFTER DJT VICTORY) Obama admin. announced that both Russian Compounds (NY and MD) in would be shutdown and 35 Russian diplomats would be returned to Russian in retaliation for a series of ‘cyberattacks’ that targeted U.S. political institutions during the election. This was based knowledge he had back in October when he stated the Russia was not interfering in our election, knowing HRC would be the winner. Fuels Russian Narrative. Mockingbird media runs with the narrative.

HRCBlames Russia interference; ‘Bots’ for not being ahead 50 pts.

LLLynch’s Tarmac meeting with BC. Assurances made that HRC would not face criminal charges. Stories synched.

JCLL synch’s with AM, PS and JC. JC reads PeterS Changed wording from ‘Grossly Negligent” (criminal) to ‘Extremely Careless,’ exonerating HRC from email server scandal to insure election.

AMAndy was Deputy Director of F_I under BO and DJT. Played the most pivotal role in facilitating the Dossier’s transfer from DNC to FB_. Coordinated with Obama ADmin, JC, Brennan, and PS to secure FISA, wire-tapping, unmasking/leaking of DJT team as candidate, President elect and President.

PSStrzok, F_I, member of RobertM’s investigation team, was sharing anti-Trump text messages with FBI lawyer and paramour Lisa Page. Which showed extreme bias against trump and revealed plot that took place in A.McCabe’s office to insure DJT would never take office: presumably the Russian Narrative.


BRIT INTELC Steele, former MI6, author of Phony Pee Dossier.

HRC CAMP PAYFusion GPS to hire Steele to create Dossier.

DNC PAYFusion GPS to create Fake pee Dossier.

CLAS: 1-4 PAY>

STEELEformer MI6 — Was liaison to Russia.

PODESTADid HRC dirty work as campaign manager and handler. He was main liaison btw Clinton Team and Obama Admin (Andy M.) to facilitate the Russian Collusion Narrative.

CLAS: 1-9>

US SEN NO NAMEMaverick, JSM, given Dossier. Sid turns it over to JC thinking he is putting the nail into DJT campaign. Did not know JC already had the document and that the F_I may hay been contributing in continued funding of Fusion for ‘OP research’ on DJT.


Anonymous ID: 24f28b Dec. 23, 2017, 2:10 p.m. No.159209   🗄️.is 🔗kun


JCJames bypasses LLynch (with her permission) and adjudicates HRC’s server scandal himself instead of investigating only, which was beyond his prevue as Director. JC changes the wording of ‘Grossly Negligent” (criminal) to ‘Extremely Careless,’ with guidance of PS and AM— keeping HRC in the race.

LLAG Lynch basically recuses herself from HRC email case, saying she will accept whatever ruling JC decides on HRC.

HUSSEIN Campaigns for HRC knowing fully/ and is complaisant in the HRC email scandal coverup and the proliferation of Dossier.

[FISA 2] Clapper and Brennan facilitate the further issuance of FISA warrants, with BHO’s knowledge, using fake Dossier as probable cause.

PRES DAILY BPOTUS Briefings were ‘tapped.’ Massive leaks made to media, AS.

US SEN NO NAMEAdam Sch= major leaker to Mockingbird Media regarding Russia Collusion.

NEWS SHOPWaPO, NYT site unnamed sources as leaks come out almost daily fueling Russian Narrative. Also, possibly Gannett— a way of arranging the narrative for MB media to ensure all producers and anchors of Fake News on the same page.

BUZZFleaked dossier full dossier to public. Backfire: it not come off as credible. Dossier discredited but still used to continue Russian narrative. JamesC. tells POTUS 3X that POTUS is NOT under investigation. POTUS ask Comey to go pubic with knowledge. JC does not. President fires JC. This leads to Special Council RM brought in to investigate Russia collusion, and with JC firing, obstruction of justice.

PUBLIC/NARRATIVE: ‘Russia Narrative’ born: Fake dossier funded by HRC, CF, DNC (and possibly, at some pt by F_I) created by Crowdstrike: hiring C. Steele (was MI6 liaison to Russia when active) to go to Russia and collect/create intel on DJT which included hookers, urination, etc, which was later leaked to BuzzF and discredited; but was still used as basis for investigating DJT’s team for fake Russia collusion. Flynn was part of a FISA warrant/subsequent unmaking. He was low-hangin fruit bc of his dealings with Turkey which he failed to disclose; and his conversations with Russian Ambassador Kislyak during transition (which was legal— what was not legal was Flynn’s name being unmasked and name leaked by BHO Admin). Flynn was/is a good man, also key in further red-pilling DJT on ‘sick people,’ and connecting him with key figures such as A. Rogers who could guide POTUS through initial hostile waters. Flynn was fired by Obama and knew of most of Hussein’s dirty dealings. He had to go bc of this knowledge but could also be used by Obama Admin to further Russia Narrative— 2 birds one stone. Flynn’s son tweeted about PG, as well, and was caught up in indictments. Manafort ,also low-handing fruit. Trump campaign learned of PaulM ties to Ukraine and oligarchs and cut him loose fast as campaign manager earily on. But he was later used to further fuel phony Russian narrative even though his business/lobbying dealings with Russia/Ukraine had been many yrs earlier before his involvement with Trump campaign.


RAMIF: US INTEL LEGAL SPY ON PRES CANDIDATE / PRES ELECT / R CONGRESS / R SEN / NEWS FRIENDLY / ETC Wire tap WH; POTUS leaves WH on17-day "working vacation" at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, while WH is ‘Swept.’ Mockingbird media cleans up story of ‘wiretapping’ DJT Team siting Russia Collusion as justfcaton for Obama Admin spying. A justification whose genesis was sourced from a fake, discredited dossier. These people are sick!