Anonymous ID: 7a0a84 Restore Humanity Dec. 23, 2017, 3:06 p.m. No.159704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3661 >>4035 >>5700

Listen up anons, fellow patriots and beloved veterans……..

As I'm sure you've noticed, there’s been a lot happening lately.

The Storm is Upon Us.

Much respect and praise to all responsible!

I'm not going to dive into the recent info dropped by QAnon and related happenings, because we all already know, so please continue to fill in the gaps on another note.



*Time WE break these barriers (((they)))forced on us

*Time WE change the style of thinking (((they)))taught us (starting with public schools)



No longer can WE only be concerned with ourselves and our families.

We must all come together now as one. For ALL

*No longer can WE abide by (((their))) laws and rules while (((they))) do not.

*No longer can WE allow so few to prosper while so many perish


So, I propose to you today, that we come together, all over the world, and BE the change!


We all know the dirty deeds and the bad actors; and we can spend lifetimes digging into (((their))) crimes…So, I suggest that we invest our time in shaping the future, now! And do so with -unmistakable and impactful actions-


(((They))) control us by keeping us apart, period. There’s nothing more to it, simple but effective divide and conquer. We continue to fall for this tactic.


The moment we put this digital life away and reconnect with each other, (((they))) will be no more. (((Their))) power evaporates.

//Domino effect//



~(((Their))) bank accounts can make poverty a thing of the past

~(((Their))) mansions can house our homeless

~(((Their))) highly guarded knowledge, can set us all free


Wait….I got that wrong

OUR mansions

OUR money

OUR knowledge

….and (((they))) stole it.

Let’s take back what is rightfully ours

This is a historic, exciting yet surreal time

THE time that we can act, and have a POTUS to support and help protect us….but we must not solely rely on POTUS and team


We must do exactly what (((they))) have programmed us NOT to do….with (((their))) false flag bombings shootings etc….

We must boldly and unflinchingly STAND IN UNITY. DEMAND CHANGE.


((((They))) CANNOT stop us. We The People have the numbers and the power.


We want the Vatican? We take the Vatican…and make all their secrets public knowledge.

We have the ability to coordinate and take the WHOLE system down in one day!

We have forgotten our power.

It’s TIME to remember!



Are you ready to walk the walk?

If you truly want to create a better place for all our children then, Lets do this!

Its time to

Coordinate, Activate, Participate


With unity, order can be restored and safe guards implemented. A complete system rewrite.

We can ensure the mistakes are never repeated.


Life is truly not complicated (((they))) just made it that way and we can do better!!

Be Better!


Rev 1:3

Rev 3:8-9

Rev 18:6-9


Be the change

Love thy neighbor

Restore Peace

Restore humanity







Objectives, rules of engagement, and action start dates to follow shortly
