If the anon is correct that the pineal is the "forbidden fruit" then the allegory is complete. The pineal is the APPLE of your EYE. Eve awakened by eating the 'apple'. We have been awakened as well
Serena Roney-Dougal has a great chapter on the pineal. Many mind altering hormones made here that are similar in chemical structure to psychoactives used by S. American shamen. It is a must read. Now that I know that the pineal is the forbidden fruit (apple of the eye) it makes so much more sense. Also explains the Sumerian 'gods' prancing about with their 'pine cones'. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1475884.Where_Science_Magic_Meet
Tamarind will also help you excrete the fluoride. See my post below. and: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1475884.Where_Science_Magic_Meet
Have a nice day.