Anonymous ID: 783673 Dec. 1, 2017, 11:33 p.m. No.22493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3143 >>4067 >>4458



LOTS of WOKE-ness in here.


I'll drop this tidbit, the chemical structure of melatonin and DMT is only different by 'CO2':


I've used ORMUS for a spell myself, (2-3 months) a couple years back when I was first getting into meditation. I definitely felt some extra 'tingles' an acute focus while using it, though after a bit I stopped as I no longer felt the need for it to achieve the same states.


I'm Rh+; so I can speak to that.


What I've found most beneficial to de-calcifying/re-activating the pineal:


-drink CLEAN water (fluoride is already discussed in this thread, HUGE calcifier, and also blocks the iodine receptors in the brain)


-eat ORGANIC food. Fuck the labels of vegetarian/vegan etc. That shit doesn't matter as much as HOW the food is grown. Yaw'll have already talked about glyphosate in here, that and other chemicals are purposefully put on foods to calcify and limit our bodily function.

Really, it comes down to this: would you drink the can of bug spray under your sink? No? Then why the F would you eat the food grown in a puddle of it?


-meditate. You can take all the supplements and do-dads you like, and sure they may help a little, but the practice of being able to meditate is the foundation. This doesn't have to be by any standard but your own - no special poses, or mantras.

Keep it simple: Get comfy, breathe, relax, and let go. If it helps, put on some theta wave music. Binaural beats are HUGE too. Though the true practice is being able to take that calmness and be able to reproduce it sitting on the corner of a busy intersection. (BE the calm in the storm).


-BE EMOTIONAL! This was a huge adjustment for me, I essentially had disconnected completely from my feelings. Now, having spent the last two plus years FULL TIME doing meditation and inner healing/emotional work, I can tell you for a fact how important our emotions are to our overall well-being.

Just like OP is saying about kids having larger pineals, I believe our emotional aspect is what is connected to this. Adults can have large pineals too, it is a matter of clearing out all the emotional wounds that we've gathered over a lifetime, so that our energy pathways can be open to flow and pulse. I posted about kundalini over here: >>22233


-Disconnect from electronics. When you consider that all of life is truly vibrations/frequencies, realize that electronics are a VERY limited spectrum. We NEED to experience a wide spectum, and taking breaks from 'being' within/around certain frequencies helps our bodies to learn to live without them. THIS IS WHY so many people are 'addicted' to their phones, etc - its a energetic/frequency that they have taught their body (i.e. created a habit) to rely on.


-Go OUTSIDE. I thought 'grounding' was a hocus-pocus hippy term, until I started to move down this path. Now I KNOW its real. Stand BAREFOOT on the ground, under/against a tree or similarly for ~5 minutes while focusing only on your breathing. Do this every day and you will notice a steep change in your ability to be calm and clear minded.


-The sun is your FRIEND. Fuck sunscreen, makes friends with the sun. Does it makes any sense that the giant ball of light that our live's revolve around during a waking state, that we have evolved in sync with throughout our entire history, would be bad for us? Maybe our lifestyles have been what caused the deviation...

Be smart and listen to your skin, and increase exposure slowly over time (consider, you don't decide to start running and go out and do a marathon on the first day - slow and steady is how our body adapts).


-The sun can be GOOD for your eyes. Yes, you read that. Sungazing = good. Here's a method called the HRM method named after Hira Ratan Manek: Take it easy.

Go slow. Do it when the sun is low on the horizon, since this is when the angle is good that the refraction of the light allows through more of the healing frequencies.



-learn the importance of THOUGHTS, WORDS, and how you treat and perceive yourself. You create your reality MUCH more than you may imagine. This was one of those things that I wasn't even aware of until I began to put focus on it. Here's an easy redpill primer:

Also, listening to positive oriented mantra-type affirmations can be helpful to rewire thought processes, such as:



I like your posts and POV, keep it up brother!

Anonymous ID: 783673 Dec. 2, 2017, 1:59 a.m. No.22720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3143



more on pyramids:




We are LITERALLY limitless, my friend. If you can imagine it, you are capable of doing/being it. I mean this VERY literally.


We've been convinced to be docile, so we're easy to 'manage'.

Anonymous ID: 783673 Dec. 4, 2017, 1:02 p.m. No.32938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2978 >>2056



>Has anyone read Tom Campbell's book, My big TOE?


I haven't heard of that one, I'll scroll by it and see if my intuition guides me to order it!








Distilling is replicating Earth's natural water cycle.


Cleans up EVERYTHING in the water.


Funny that when I was younger, I was told it was 'bad' to drink straight distilled water.


Almost everything I was told was 'bad' as a child has turned out to be nonsensical fear-porn to hinder evolution.



>Elites have known these secrets, as they have been passed down since the beginning of time. They wouldn't dare let you in on their little secrets.


Exactly. They kept that shit under wraps, though they also have to tell us the truth - i.e. "hidden in plain sight"


Thanks to the internet, we all have the ability to seek and find today. They never imagined this would happen.




Amen, brother/sister anon!


P.S., they're coming, and getting more obvious! (Pic related)

Anonymous ID: 783673 Dec. 4, 2017, 1:38 p.m. No.33027   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>What is the bigger picture here that we are missing?


As I've continued to dive down the rabbit hole myself, I've found that simple is the way of consciousness. Imagination is king to manifestation and experience in reality as we know it.


The more I've learned, the more I've come to realize I know nothing.


Bigger picture, IMO - it is all an orchestrated shill. I view it as a giant 'simulation' like a video game, where 'leveling up' is achieved by overcoming programmed beliefs to move closer and closer to meeting each moment as BEing so fresh and new that it is the first, last, and only moment you've ever experienced.


I've found a state of 'conscious observer' of my reality to be VERY beneficial towards this growth. Can you simply observe EVERYTHING that goes on around you, without judging, without reacting, without responding?


I realized this as EXACTLY how a newborn interacts with reality. EVERY single thing we 'learn' - such as language (be it vocal, body, energetic/emotional, etc) - is a tool/habit we integrate that 'separates' us from simply being a part of reality so that other people (or plants, animals, beings, etc) can recognize us as unique.


Uniqueness is an incredible gift that humanity is capable of consciously. I've realized the key is, can you live your uniqueness both passively as an observer, and actively as a creator while NOT making either into such a habit that you must ALWAYS confirm to one or the other.


God please grant me

the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (observer)

the courage to change the things I can (creator)

and the wisdom to know the difference (the magic of balancing the two, to fit into exactly our piece of the puzzle of reality in each moment)

Anonymous ID: 783673 Dec. 6, 2017, 2:43 p.m. No.44647   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Indeed, I've felt lately that I've been 'existing' in both/many worlds simultaneously. Many experiences lately of knowing my body is in one place, but 'being' in another consciously. Most of them have been at the cusp of wake/sleep, though also have had a couple while meditating deeply… The line blurs between all these states now.


One morning, while knowing I was lying in bed, I was also consciously experiencing standing next it a pond and watching a snake swim by… as well as being on an ice rink playing hockey. All very real, very vivid, very substantial.


>The prisoners themselves deny their own prison.


You don't know, what you don't know.

Until you know. Then, you can't not-know.

And you open yourself up to know more… and more… and more.

Until, you realize so much, you know you know nothing :)


>Hope to see you in New Earth, where we will talk about this in passing…


Hahah. I'm interestingly perplexed about how we will all interact 'there'/'then'…


Considering what I've been experiencing, I know I am already there, yet find myself in experiences 'here', as if I am currently an observer of the "future's" past (to attempt to state is linearly). I already feel what is coming as if being able to see a huge wave in the distance on the ocean. I ready myself, my surfboard, and my bearings to ride the wave I already know I am and I have ridden.


Past/present/future all at once. The eternal NOW.

I know everything turns out perfect, it is simply a matter of adjusting my perceptions to be capable of existing in the knowing of the eternal perfection in each new moment.


The only thing we can ever truly 'adjust' is our perceptions of NOW. The art of this journey for me has been observing my perceptions in order to sort out WHY/WHEN they shift away from a beautiful, blissful knowingness of ALL is ONE.


>Such beauty awaits those who seek.


:) powerful words. The time is NOW.

Anonymous ID: 783673 Dec. 6, 2017, 3 p.m. No.44722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7591

>Another gland, behind the lungs is harvested also.




The various glands induce various 'experiences', explained by many dogmatic/religious systems as chakras/energy centers. The Egyptians believed the glands were the chakras. pic related


The pineal represents activating 'crown' opening - this would be the equivalent of a full-blown kundalini experience. DMT in the right dose can have similar effects (i.e. Ayahuasca, psylocibin).


The Thymus would imitate a heart-connection. I believe the 'power' to this one would be more profound, though much more on a 'feeling' level than a 'seeing' level.


When these are 'consumed', it is as if ingesting a temporary version of what is achieved by doing the work on the inside. Obviously futile and fleeting, but a great shortcut achieved at the 'expense' of something outside of the self.


Finding the path on the inside is the permanent/loving way, aligned with 'all that is'. Since, this path integrates the remembrance that we have everything we ever need inside of us. All is one, and the outside is merely a reflection of the inside.