I had a full blown kundalini awakening in 2008 at age 26. It was spontaneous, I was not seeking it but had just experienced ego death due to destroying my Wall St. career through recklessness based on greed. It was preceded by real physical symptoms and the first and only panic attack I've ever had. It's a long story, but I will spare you.
Bottom line is that it's true. The pineal is a portal to the spiritual world. There is no way to describe it to someone who has not experienced it. It is not a physical world, and you do not have a physical body and thus, the limitations and temptations of the flesh. You are truly one with the Multiverse (Uni-verse is only one dimension of the spectrum). For me, this was at first an indescribably blissful/loving/mind-altering experience (imagine moment of peak orgasm, sustained, and multiplied by ten thousand. One hundred thousand?) and then truly terrifying (I thought I was dying, or had died).
I experienced savikalpa samadhi. I was not spiritually prepared for it and thus was psychologically "traumatized" for YEARS aterward. It took me a while to understand what I had been through.
The experience of being uncoiled from the base of your spine and SPIRALING up through your energy centers and then out through your pineal gland into a multi-dimensional super-consciousness field in which you are within your spirit body and FULLY CONSCIOUS is mind-shattering. Literally. It is also what you experience during death at the end of your life. So you can imagine how wise one can become when they master this part of life's journey, being able to navigate savikalpa, nirvikalpa and finally sahaja samadhi.
Consuming pineal glands of the living is a shortcut and the LEFT-HAND PATH. There is access, but no spiritual growth, and very negative consequences for the participating soul. The RIGHT HAND PATH is that encouraged by one such as Christ of the Essene Nazarenes, Buddha and other wise prophets. This path offers true freedom and release/escape from the cycle of reincarnation.
There is so much more. You can guess what it is, because you actually already know. You just need to let the poison bleed off of you.