>Q doesn't realize we can hear, and see as well.
Really think so?
"“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." ~ Sun Tzu
"These people are really stupid." ~ Q
>Q doesn't realize we can hear, and see as well.
Really think so?
"“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." ~ Sun Tzu
"These people are really stupid." ~ Q
>i don't care.
You REALLY should care, anon.
Nasty actors in here right now.
Q keeps telling us that the time stamps are important.
I think Q is trying to show that he is legit … not to us chans (we already know), but to the cabal as a disinfo tool and to normies who's viewership of this exercise continues to grow.
It's Q's way of building credibility with the ever-increasing normy audience.
Re pilling the masses slowly.
I didn't mean for us to stop graphing and meming the links.
Definitely helps the red pilling process.
I gotta have a sauce first.
My habbenings boner won't be able to take disappointment from this if it turns out to be a larp.
I agree. No way Q's drops are predictive. Too easy to let slip important info that could be used against the operation.
Most everything important to the outcomes has already taken place.
What's left is the red pilling.