We are the Witch Finders. Trump and Q, The Witch Hunters.
We must build the holy temple in Jerusalem and begin the thousand year XXtian reign
Jesus fucking Christ, they're attacking gonzo journalism now! I unironically think they need the alt right's favorite anal leaf to restore order to what should be one of the best media sources around. Those old documentaries, mane.
Daily Reminder
Not all powers are demonic. Mushrooms can contact demonic powers, sure. And to the third highest poster, the pizza card represents the ubiquity of creature staples. Its newfound signicance to the gate of tasty-itallian-cheese-snax is merely ironic. I find the power in that card game comes from the source material of the card game, the Novel Illuminatus written by a former )))playboy((( editor and a powerful discordian pope. Great spells cause emanations, much how Alan Moore's V for Vendetta gave us Anonymous.
I agree 100% about Musk's ultimate role for humanity.
GEOTUS has been to epsteinisland. Jesus forgives. (Nukes are a MASSIVE sin tho)
Thread theme? Rewind the rumor mill.