Spreadsheet Anon AT !!hpA5RIwCys ID: b21ab4 Nov. 30, 2017, 8:26 p.m. No.17115   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7123 >>7131


> Wearing the boot!!

Can we please get this out of the way? There is zero reason for anyone to use a boot for tracking purposes. Zero. Even sex offenders and such wear an ankle monitor that is low profile. But we have far better and smaller tech that can accomplish the same thing without a goddamn boot or ankle bracelet.

>we can hear you breathe


IF HRC and others are being monitored, it's known where they are every minute without a boot. Passport flagged/revoked, not leaving the country by land, sea or air. SS knows where she is 24/7, and the other scum's whereabouts are known also.


Please anons, think things through.

Spreadsheet Anon AT !!hpA5RIwCys ID: b21ab4 Nov. 30, 2017, 8:31 p.m. No.17132   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7136


JM is all sorts of fuckery and I know about the photos with the boot on the other foot etc. But what I'm saying is that there is far better and smaller tech to track HRT than ankle bracelets or boots. The boots they are wearing are not tracking devices, which should be immediately obvious.

Spreadsheet Anon AT !!hpA5RIwCys ID: b21ab4 Nov. 30, 2017, 8:35 p.m. No.17145   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7152 >>7163


Just look for questions that have no answer yet and get to work researching and then post yoru answers in the open column. It's over 2k questions/statements so I can't say off the top of my head, but I appreciate all help!



>They are covering the tracking devices so no one gets a sneaky pap shot and spoils the surprise.

No anon, that doesn't even make sense. Boots are not tracking devices, they aren't hiding tracking devices. If there was any device involved we have ones that are incredibly tiny and unnoticeable (could be a tie pin, earring or lapel pin or in a button).

Spreadsheet Anon AT !!hpA5RIwCys ID: b21ab4 Nov. 30, 2017, 9:05 p.m. No.17268   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7341


I know what they are and what they look like. No one would use a medical boot to cover those up.



How do I know? Besides logic and common sense and an understanding that we have far better, smaller tech than that?


>if the DC court system had such devices they'd be common knowlege

Except this isn't the DC court system. Remember who /ourguys/ are, anon. They aren't the DC court system. Tech exists that would blow your mind, and no, it's not common knowledge because it can't be. These scum face military tribunals, do you really think the DC court is who is tracking them?


I don't know they even have any tracking device on them, it's frankly unnecessary: HRC is watched by SS all the time, JM's whereabouts are known as well as the other scum. The weird fixation on the boot is well, weird.


Think things through, anons. An ankle bracelet is not going to be put on a highly public official or former official.


What do you really think it meant

< we can hear you breathe

Neither ankle bracelets nor boots are necessary. And something unnecessary wouldn't be used. Look at how planned and coordinated the actions are from the 40k ft view. Military precision, no wasted effort, no tipping off adversaries, highly coordinated and disciplined actions fulfilling a large mission.



> It's absurd.

Thank you, that's what I'm trying to say with a lot more words.

Spreadsheet Anon AT !!hpA5RIwCys ID: b21ab4 Nov. 30, 2017, 9:22 p.m. No.17395   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>SA controlled US puppets.

many in govt & media

>Strings cut.

sets free the puppet, removes protection & funding

>Dโ€™s dropping all around over sexual misconduct (1st stage).

Moral high ground removed, also removed from competition in election

>Coincidence directly after SA?

no, SA owned many pols

>Donโ€™t you realize the war has gone public?

Too many are affected, can't sweep under rug

>List who will not be running for re_election.

have a list of D'sballotpedia.org/List_of_U.S._Congress_incumbents_who_are_not_running_for_re-election_in_2018



>Phase I.

more to come, 1st phase

>Easy to swallow.

easy to understand for public, general corruption, sexual misconduct/promiscuity

>Loss of power/influence.


>Good time to prosecute.

frees up due to less opposition - very strategic

>Just wait until next week.

we will

>You are all Patriots.

for God & country