How do you blind the clowns? You take out the keyhole. Aren't the clowns launching new satellites? Something wrong with their old ones?
> Q !ITPb.qbhqo (ID: W6dZplnF) 11/30/17(Thu)23:42:25 No.151561953▶>>151562026 >>151562074
4chan was taken over by a bot net. CBTS threads were turned into Nazi threads to derail intel and dissuade the normies who were coming here. Made Q breads look like Nazi shit so they would turn away. IPs of bots were logged to determine the identity of these servers
Servers were identified sucessfully
Langley is the CIA headquarters. CIA V US is a criminal court case. There is jurisdiction.
>Snow White Pounce.
Snow White and the 7 dwarfs. Dwarfs are the 7 computer systems codenamed accordingly. Snow White is the CIA. They carry out surveillance, break encryption and hack websites. They conrtol bot nets. Pounce means to apprehend your prey. The bot net was shut down as evidenced by these boards suddenly being cleaned up.
>No nets.
Botnet taken down.
8 chan will remain the location for further crumbs.