(Written for uninformed family members on FB. I'd kept everything since – Pizzagate, Pedogate, Qanon, Megaanon – from them b/c I fear it was too dark. But it seems time to open their eyes to me)
I am not a conspiracy nut. Generally, I figure that most "conspiracies" can be explained by greed, stupidity, incompetence, and/or psychopathy. A little harsh, I know, but I'll bet some of you probably tend to think much the same.
But then on November 1st, 2016, I happened to watch a series of videos by super-spook, Dr. Steve Pieczenik. His bio is linked below. He said a lot of things. I'll let you watch the videos yourself, linked in the comments below. But the main this to remember is that this was 7 days before the 2016 elections of November 8th, 2016!
I haven't written about this here and only talked about it to a few close friends, because it gets so dark. Even I never thought the situation was this dire, and I was sure the country was pretty much lost. But what was the point in upsetting people if there is nothing to be done? So I stayed silent for the most part.
But a lot has happened since and, IMO, a lot more is going to happen. Not sure how much will become public, but it may become very upsetting. You need to be ready. You need to know that it's not about you, and you aren't the target. The target is corruption and the people and institutions mired in it – "The Swamp", I guess you could say…
Nov 1, 2016: Piecznick on "The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the United States"
Nov 1, 2016: Piecznick on "The Clinton Pedophilia Connection"
Nov 4, 2016: Piecznick on "US Takeover May Be Near"
Nov 8, 2016: Trump wins election. I almost put in a link of media reports to show how sure they were that the election was a sure thing… the other way. But I couldn't do it. I know too many people who might still be very emotional upset by watching that. If not, you can find video all over youtube. But, honestly, you need to let go of this. The election wasn't about policy. It wasn't about identity. It wasn't about left v. right, rich v. poor, or male v. female. It was about "too corrupt to let continue". If Piecznik and others are to be believed, DJT was selected and agreed to serve in order to flush the system of decades of corruption. Hopefully, the previous videos made you rethink things a little… because a lot has happened since, and if I'm right, a lot more is going to happen soon. More on this later. But this isn't going to hurt you or me. On the contrary. But we are going to see more and more corrupt institution shake and even crumble. You need to be ready for it.
Nov 10, 2016: Piecznick on "We Have Won the Revolution!"