Or P as in Saudi Arabia royalty like the Jackass of ALL trade in the highest crimes, Prince Alwaleed!!
Yes, I clearly recall Q asking what was the exclusive service that marines provided to POTUS, why POTUS surrounds himself with generals & more specifically later asked why did POTUS surround himself with Marine generals & the answers have already been provided!!
Don't forget Valerie Jarrett's ties to Frank Marshall Davis in Chicago with her father, Vernon Jarrett who was ALSO on the FBI security index along with her Grandfather & father-in-law as they were ALL Marxist commies! She was known to have THE MOST influence over BO & stated herself that she was of Islamic faith & that she would work from the inside, using America's freedom of religion against America to make it a more Islamic country!
Q referenced the owls & Y's with watching out for their symbols, like the gold on gold! For example, the ritualistic temple on Eppstein's Island of the Owl they call Moloch & at bohemian grove & other logos, etc.