Maybe the last is a checksum
Navy posts "Julian Assage" see quotes, if they hit a button to re-tweet it wouldn't have quotes, think they are looking for a message from POTUS as Q has told us
No knock raid at Clintons and Podestas, just the thought gives me wood
Oh crap yes, Washington crossing damn it's on
This key decryped is 9b4fd986b88462c013a086c2ed92163b91e0c09be644a3e71f02eac58b9478a5
Reading more about Paddock, maybe he was running kids from Philippines for the Brotherhood in the top floors of the hotel, the guns he had were all specimens so not what a gun runner would be selling, like the gun that turned into the M16 he had rare expensive guns, I think his collection and didn't think he was getting out. They were on to his brother, and probably him too. Maybe this all ties in with them cracking down on the ped network and thats why the down low on Vegas, we won't know the truth till the ped network is all brought down.
Thanks for all you have shared, keep up the good fight
Chemtrails is bs, just look at flight tracks, they don't have room for chems you people are stupid