Posts containing "signatures"
My signatures all reference upcoming events about to drop if this hasn't been caught on.
[=] Alice & Wonderland signatures
Signatures have necessary meaning.
Signatures are IMPORTANT.
Time stamps
[15] 11/4/17 >>147987614 & Tweet 5:43 11/4/17
Q: Q=Alice, soon understand meaning of Alice "&" Wonderland
T: landing shortly. Can't wait to see GREAT MILITARY.
[10] 12/12/17 >>82066 & Tweet 2:13 12/12/17
Q: Merry Christmas
T: Happy Hanukkah
[5] 12/23/17 >>158078 & Tweet 3:27 12/23/17
Q: SEARCH crumbs. who is #2? No deals.
T: talks about 4700K to McCabe, leakin' James Comey & Phony HRC
[0] 12/24/17 >>162785 & Tweet 8:36 12/25/17
Q: only posts pic of Washington crossing Delaware (timestamp 0036 12/24)
DoD: 0800 12/25 tweets same pic as Q >>162785 #MerryChristmas !
T: MERRY CHRISTMAS !!! and video (!!!) 0836 12/25
These timestamps appear to be Q&A or call backs
Delta relevant.
T Wonderland (?)
DoD Mattis
[0] grouping is a GO command. Q in position; then DoD same status as Q; then T responses in kind to DoD tweet.
significance of GW Delaware crossing done on 12/25 late night. Surprise attack was next day 12/26.
I'd guess indictments unsealed for McCabe, Comey, HRC