your posts are always epic. but to bring this all back full circle to math, fields and the number grid in the OP… i am finally starting to get an inkling that there is a mathematical code in the q posts related to matrices and determinants. this is discussed on another board and various aspects were discussed. so i think there are number sequences like the one you listed (5, 10, 15), also 4, 10, 20 and 3, 6, 9. i also think maxwells field equations may be relevant. in addition to all that there are multiple other layers of code, one of which involes searching seemingly meaningless string of initial capitals, which actually yields relevant results to the q map. i keep asking people in another thread and they just do not get it at all. have you come across this. anyway, your knowledge of ancient cultures is top notch and i totally agree with your akhenaten idea. (hyksos also related?). i always look forward to your insight.
i came across laird scrantons work where he talks about the sea of reeds as some type of archetypal liminal zone that seems related to your earlier statements about genesis/evolution of successive life forms. thoughts?