Anonymous ID: 8867ba Dec. 29, 2017, 10:56 a.m. No.203967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3971 >>3984 >>4035 >>4080 >>4104






We are being used to fight a war. An information war. The reason POTUS thwarted her ascension to the throne was not solely because she was a flawed candidate, or because he campaigned brilliantly, it was because of the seedy underbelly of the internet. The people who went to the comments sections of webpages and planted the seeds of doubt in the feeble brains of the ones who moderately supported her. The ones who memed to the disaffected Bernie-bros, with the sordid details of the backroom machinations that removed their hope. The 'liberals', democrats, cabal; whatever you want to call them, they learned. They are trying to do the same thing now, against POTUS and America, with their paid shills. Q was sent here to resurrect the success of the election campaign. To rouse the autists and memefags to the cause of driving support for DJT's agenda, to rise against the shill-tide. Q gave us crumbs, because they believed the chans would dig, then meme, then spread. Q lead us to the cabal, the pedos, satanists and ritualists; not because 'we' are the force of God's work against Satan, but rather, so we would recognize them by their symbolism, and dig, meme, spread the word against them. There isn't really a spiritual element to this campaign. These are simply horrible, evil people who do horrible, evil things to everyone, because they lust for power and gold, and they do not care who is harmed to achieve their goals. Digging, making memes and spreading them around spreads doubt in the brainwashed masses and leads them to be open to the truth; that their lives have been wasted in service of masters they didn't know existed. Word is getting out, but interviews on the Q Phenomenon are not the most productive way to encourage the masses to break their conditioning. Subtle memes, spread like spider silk, through the web; that's the way it's done.




I can personally confirm from working around the beltway that efforts by beltway scums to study the effects of 4chan /pol/ and all free speech zone participants who meme'd our POTUS into office is well underway.


They use our energy and tactics against us, along with demoralization from constant racemixing/homosexual and gender degeneracy/'it is inevitable' outright insults and mockery and hatred to try and demoralize US.


Not only will it not work, it is already starting to backfire badly. People are beyond outraged at these obviously manipulative scum and are beginning to identify and search/dox these scum in real life.


DO NOT FALL FOR THEIR psychological manipulation tactics, rather, turn it against them. ((they)) must be made to pay, in everything,