>(raised by Silent Generation parents — thank God!)
You too, huh?
Kinda weird being at school when your friends parents talked about Floyd vs Zeppelin when mine fought over whether Elvis or Eddie Fisher was better.
>people are waking up to the hugeness of human trafficking
Parents and grandparents are frankly horrified that this generation thinks soft prostitution (sugar daddy, Starbucks handjobs in the bathroom, etc) is a viable career option because "at least they're off the street."
That's Weimar-era thinking.
>You dont have to be right wing for them to hate you.
This. The demons are showing themselves. I've had former "friends" set up conspiracies to get me arrested when they found out I was on /pol/. (Jokes on them, their cop friends lost their badges.)
The filterman only jumps on bandwagons heading toward the victory parade. This is actually very good news.
>Intentionally avoided having kids because this world is too fucked up to bring children into
Same here, but there's this girl, see… and I figured if we MAGA then she'll let me fill her with babies.