I'm just going to post this once per thread until I either get bored or get a real answer, don't mind me.
>When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space. This is done because of how web/http works. If you click the link directly, the destination site can see which site you are coming from, and that is not desirable.
>not desirable
Why not, exactly?
Also if somebody hacked the board don't you think they'd have more nefarious things to do than hunt for random links to poison in /cbts/ general?
This seems like bullshit to me? Idk, could be wrong but like I said I've never had a problem from clicking links in years and now, I don't click them anymore because fuck it, too lazy.
Think about opportunity cost here. Either you have virtually unusable bread full of broken links, impediments to the flow of information; or, you have well-buttered bread, in which information flows smoothly, with minuscule risk of referral hijacking.