Wew lads… I believe we found ourselves a spirit-cooker!
Marina HAS to = Marina Abramovich, given this crowd.
$50 to any anon who gets video of themselves asking to sign some deep-stater's boot! ;)
Where? Just looked through them… Don't see that one? Which are you referring to?
Based on what Sanders and the State Dept put out, it looks like were doing some house-cleaning over there… Bringing back 1970's Iran. Blue-jeans and woman-driving Iran.
>I never hated Jews, until I realized that they hated me.
Same… It's a hard pill to swallow. 5 years ago I was posting crap like "I stand with Israel" on Fagbook. Look at me now…
Eat shit, Juden-rats! ;)
What? Fuck off, MySpace-fag… Flynn is /our guy/ and by some osmotic-form of default, his family is /our family/.
*But not everyone…
Whoops… Slight miscalculation. Sorry, REAL kikes. Please forgive.
No-one gives a shit about Judaism… The problem is "Jews" (Khazarian-faggots) practice Talmudism (basically, Satanism). They were Tengrists (worshipped Turkish God) before the 8th Century when almost all converted to rabbinical Judaism (AKA Talmudism).
Okay, let's get down to it then… How do we identify the Khazarian-faggots and tell them apart from the Israelites?
(Actual kikes can help with this… And I say "kikes", in a friendly manner, which I've never used the term before).
What makes you so certain he won't be posting anymore… I think he'll be back.
Nice catch, anon
Agreed… Must learn history.
"Talmudic AshkeNAZI Zionists"… That's the best term for (((them))).
Amen, I understand that, anon.
Yeah, but ummm… No one ole finds the pizza-slice and boy/girl thing odd? I'm the only one…???
This guy gets it…