>The star will gorge itself on clay
Q = 17th letter of the alphabet
The Star = 17th card of the tarot
What's the clay, anons?
No, anon. WE ARE THE KEY.
Think about it. With Mockingbird Media out of the way, who controls the memes? Who has credibility? Who will be able to provide coherent explanations to people when all of this comes to light?
People will be TRAUMATIZED. They'll be desperate for answers. They won't know where to look. They won't trust the MSM. They won't trust politicians. They won't trust established authorities.
When that happens, WHO HAS THE POWER TO RECTIFY NAMES? To restore sanity? It's us, anons.
Q only needed to get the ball rolling. Now it's rolling, we just need to keep the momentum going. We have all we need - Q said so themselves!
Today I was feeling skeptical and anxious like many anons here, so I turned to a text which has always provided me comfort - the Tao Te Ching. When I opened it, I found the answer to what is happening. "Perhaps they too realize their dependence upon the lowly."
Could Trump have won without us? Why does the CIA care to invest so much resources into trying to manipulate us with AI? It is because we are unique in our ability to see through the lies and slander to the truth. We aren't afraid to hold on to the truth even in the face of scorn and stupidity.
All we needed to do was realize our collective might. We have the POTUS deferring to us. Think about it. He doesn't defer to + ++ or +++. In fact, those are being taken out!
But this will leave a vacuum. A vacuum we are meant to capitalize on. To be the new shepherds of the flock. It is our time to stand confident in the truth we know in our hearts.
Make a mighty REEEEEEEE anons. Your voices carry up to the heavens and beyond!
Yep. See >>208596
Anons, we barely even need Q. Of all the places Q could have gone with his information, he chose here. There's something about us.
KEK that's what's so funnY! But they're still leagues ahead of everyone else, and they'll get better…
Anons only need to KEEP GOING. Let yourselves be guided by the light in your hearts. There is GLORY in our future!