Anonymous ID: 22fa14 Dec. 30, 2017, 9:11 a.m. No.210329 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>0403 >>0724 Q should be here today. I hope he/she comes with news of arrests.
Anonymous ID: 22fa14 Dec. 30, 2017, 9:18 a.m. No.210354 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>0365 >>0747 >>0973 >>0979 >>210347 Loyal, adoring pal? who says that?
Anonymous ID: 22fa14 Dec. 30, 2017, 9:22 a.m. No.210375 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>0412 >>210366 do you have the missing i?
Anonymous ID: 22fa14 Dec. 30, 2017, 9:32 a.m. No.210423 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>0430 >>210412 I noticed an extra i in your post :) On your way to Vegas maybe?
Anonymous ID: 22fa14 Dec. 30, 2017, 9:45 a.m. No.210480 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>0505 A few days ago, I was talking to someone in the room with me while lurking here, and the exact comment I made was posted here within minutes. Scary shit.