I Remember back in halfchan days anons came up with the brilliant idea that talking in questions would fool the bots.Seen other iterations come and go this is just another that has stuck a little.It makes a change of pace and keeps things interesting, so whether it works or not, it is changes things up a little. It has been posited before that they can farm out the captchas to others to solve (several services on the web, for example usually to do with porn in one way or another) so that isn't a real problem to the bots. Either way, it feels like a bit of a fad to me imho.
Why would I ask that?
What have I to gain?
Is this all just a joek?
A jest by an higher power?
I actually agree with your question, believe it as you wish. I only point out others interpretations. Organically grown movements better than directed ones. Anti trust would take a bit of time and any attempt to do so would be spun as stifling free speech by the current "guardians of the truth" And all attempts at citizen journalism are spun as conspiracy theorists for telling the factual truth that the MSM don't want you to hear. Your wishes have been spoken about for years. they are only just starting to become reality. It IS happening. but it's slow, and won't happen overnight.