>Soros people are being driven out of Iran. People are taking their country back too.
Rising food prices. Hussein sent a lot of money over there and now the people are left with empty lunch bags while mullahs munch away.
>Soros people are being driven out of Iran. People are taking their country back too.
Rising food prices. Hussein sent a lot of money over there and now the people are left with empty lunch bags while mullahs munch away.
Weiner knows he was set up with her to begin with, he then resorts to sexting underaged girls.
Some might have thought with the fame and fortune he had while in the House he could have found a decent Jewish girl?
Turkey basted boy whose 'father' is in jail.
>I would guess Rockefellers… Q said that the family was taken care of before POTUS took office. I think Bushes are part of the Rockefellers crowd.
Soros was only a kid of 15 in WWII. Rothschild's took down the Queen post WWII. Soros grew up and appears to have taken out the Rockefellers. Queen's Throne diverted a lot of $$$ to the Saudis, it's how the money was laundered. Queen has been unfortunate, she lost the colonies after WWII and then Soros killed the pound in early 90's, and then the gold was sold off 99-02 at the lowest prices, or best deal, in decades!
The back engineered technology is what the Cabal has been using for their own advantage. Trump's EO is vague in names, but far reaching in terms of misuse of Gov't contracts. I have a suspicion that Elon Musk will be in some deep shit over TESLA Motors and SpaceX. It's black ops products funded thru the Deep State. Musk must surely know that his toys are 60 years obsolete compared to what really exists. "Renewable energy products" require the metals that China and NK have.
Didn't notice you were the same poster, there anon!
TRI families is a sad history. I think you'd have to go back to the French Revolution, and I'm sure it goes back much further than that. But up until 1899, France had some of the greatest minds in science and mathematics. Now look at the place! Best wines because of the best climate for growing them. Culture, museums, cathedrals. France supported the US to counter Great Britain in supporting US. Rothschilds it seems in supporting Soros used a two-pronged approach against the Queen. Rotschild's took on the Throne in WWII and ruined Germany and the UK, not to mention all of Europe. The Queen had the Saudis in alliance with the Rockefellers post WWII, the US needed the oil, the Crown needed money after WWII. Soros then built up his empire to take down the pound by massively shorting the pound back in 1992 and broke the Bank of England. Because of the ties to the Crown with the Saudis, there was enough in the till for their fill. It wasn't Soros who took down the Saudis, it was the Saudis themselves, who retain at present their own domain. It's the power that counts here, power was retained, and illicit funding was cut off. The UK is run by pedos, that shoe has yet to fall.
The situation in Iran is interesting timing and seems to have come up from nowhere? CIA presence in Iran is unlikely. The uprising might actually be ground forces as I've seen reports of massive price increases in food. The people are hungry with little money, and their government is funding Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the uprising in Yemen. Once the drug running news hit, and the $$ dries up, and the people hear of the fraud, the drugs, the human trafficking, the religious leaders who run Iran have zero credibility at all.
Stepping out.. beer run.
>Yes what happened to France? I guess some of the flower of its manhood was wiped out in WW1 along with Germany's. But still the slide to total degeneracy was sudden. Macron seems to remind people of Napoleon, they yearn for a return to greatness.
Thanks for making the point I drifted away from. The first casualties in many conflicts are the best & brightest of the respective nations, draft dodgers not considered. Kings & Queens value their subjects much more than governments, who deem the citizens as pawns. The upcoming generations of future citizens are robbed of their better bloodlines. France, Germany, and Russia are countries whose futures have been forever altered by warlords to weaken the generations that follow. Russia has always been a different animal of sorts, being both in Europe and Asia. Macron was a Rothschild puppet to thwart LePen, the nationalist. Two sets of voting records mailed out?
I recall when that went down. The date of the sale was pre-announced and sold at the absolute lowest possible price!
Farage ranted about that, but my God!
My heart breaks for what these globalists are doing and have done to their own nation's sovereignty. Oh, wait, they're globalists! Duh on me!