My first thought was that damn donkey! Who wants to take bets that he won't take to captivity and dies in the very near future? <heavy sigh>
GIVE US THIS DAY, OUR DAILY BREAD. So that we may eat, and fulfill our promise to help others eat. Bless you Baker. Shine on!
On a side note, there is this person on faceblock that for some reason befriended me 2 years ago. Idk why. Anyway, she lives in Cali and is/was staunch Hellery fan-needless to say our posts got down and dirty during the election. (I truly don't know her at ALL)
Today she posted "Post a one word positive message to take me into the new year."
I posted, MAGA!
Hopefully she will awaken.
WTF? HOW does that even compute? Must be code to someone.
yaaaaaaa…..Im going with FAKE NEWS. It's apparent its a cover for something.
And WHY is it that the POTUS can't go in? I didn't understand that part….