We Birthers remember it well.
Obama released his fake long form birth certificate April 27, 2011 on the White House website.
It was so fake (PDF layers not compressed ) it was going viral on the internet. Really, really going viral.
We birthers were thrilled. Finally, people could see that he didn't have a birth certificate and that he was forced to produce a forgery.
The heat was on Obama.
Within of days of the fake release, May 1, 2011, and to distract he allowed Bin Laden to be killed though he had been dragged his feet for months (because he's a muzzie and didn't want to kill him).
His hand was forced. Forced to release a fake birth certificate (by Trump of all people) and forced to kill Bin Laden to take the heat off his fake birth certificate.
The Bin Laden news literally swamped the fake birth certificate release.
I believe/speculate that he/they (VJ/Cabal) arranged and tipped off the Muzzies about the Seals as payback for killin Bin Laden.
Passive/aggressive Obama. Like a fuck you America for making me release a forged birth certificate so I'm going to get the seals killed.