Give us this day our daily bread…
We shall use the best yeast! ← no vag puns pls.
Give us this day our daily bread…
We shall use the best yeast! ← no vag puns pls.
In a fair and just world… Yes.
I saw that too. Hammering her about pedoshit
Those 9million followers will see her tweets too right? She is stupid and she will defend her satanic friends to the end. It's the followers that may wake up!
She has made a huge mistake by engaging the subject. But her desire for being popular and having the last word is working against her this time.
Give him a ZZtop beard (for MAGA personality) and it may fly.
Mask lost meaning long ago.
The hat = right on!
I agree the are stupid libtards, but out of 9million of them, a few redpills tossed into the audience have to land a few in some gaping holes.
Be careful and lets keep her on topic, nice.
Saint Simon..
Victim of:
Blood libel.
Blood libel (also blood accusation) is an accusation that Jews kidnapped and murdered the children of Christians in order to use their blood as part of their religious rituals during Jewish holidays
Jews do this in modern times too. Oprah even had a guest once….