I was telling my SO about this last night, and 4 times trying to spit out her last name my throat literally closed and choked me. No lie, tears in my eyes from choking on her name.
https:// www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-rallies/iran-protesters-rally-again-defying-warning-of-crackdown-idUSKBN1EP064
https:// www.reuters.com/article/us-congo-protests/congolese-forces-kill-at-least-seven-during-anti-government-protests-u-n-idUSKBN1EP05Z
Lots going on today besides Denver
https:// www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-missiles-southkorea-ship/south-korea-seizes-second-ship-suspected-of-providing-oil-to-north-korea-idUSKBN1EP04P
One witness, Myles Baptiste, told the broadcaster 9News that the plane was 500 metres from him when it hit the water. “It made a tight right-hand turn and as it actually turned around, the wings dipped and it nosedived straight into the water,” he said.
https:// www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2017/dec/31/hawkesbury-river-crash-bodies-reportedly-found-during-search-for-light-plane
Sure does, I'll keep an eye on it
Definitely gishy, will be interesting to find out who was on that flight
At this point not much until names released, could be small potatos or big ones. Tracking crashes some
Ok that was weird half my post was erased