Anonymous ID: 697ce2 Dec. 31, 2017, 3:28 p.m. No.218706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9198



Blavatsky too, and other 'magical' societies.


Yeats was a lightweight compared to Keats, and Blake & Coleridge were the intellectual giants (amongst others) of the Romantics. Sad to see the literary world lose Faith and resort to inspiration of various 'media.' I referenced Keats as I'm quite a fan of Borges, a Boanerges of sorts. I actually attended a lecture Borges gave back in 1975. Apparently he was blind at the time, but I swear I saw a blue ray of light from his eye to mine when it was over.


On more Q related matters, Jerome Corsi gave quite the kudos to Q, reference rather quickly 8chan. For publicity's sake, we don't really need it. But for credibility's sake, it was a nice confirmation. Fight against the Deep State is on, from what I personally perceived, major players are already off the board. Let the stories break when the IG report comes out. We've weathered the worst of the Storm without societal implosion ever knowing of how the events went down. Would be nice to see Q show up, but until then I'm enjoying the show…))

Anonymous ID: 697ce2 Dec. 31, 2017, 3:36 p.m. No.218760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9001



Appreciate the nice words, as they apply to so many, but "the greatest intel drop in history" going out with a whimper? Who does run North Korea? The current pope was installed by Rothschild and directs Soros? The current events in Iran, why now? Time going forward requires a few hints, Q knows, and the only place he comes is here.


"Pick up the pieces and go home?"

Anonymous ID: 697ce2 Dec. 31, 2017, 3:56 p.m. No.218849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8884


>Q already confirmed it was iridium.




Musk's privatization of the Space Program makes me think that 'Solar Warden' had more than one subset that had NASA scrambling for excuses.

Anonymous ID: 697ce2 Dec. 31, 2017, 4:14 p.m. No.218949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8982


>Musk & SpaceX are deeply involved with NK


I looked into it from the Rare Earth Metals perspective. It shadows a Tom Clancy Novel written by Tom's successor. Chinese mining rights were pulled from underneath them, but the Deep State guy behind it didn't get too far either. I advocate the unification of the Peninsula, but the people of NK are held hostage to whoever runs the place, as Kim is their puppet. Reasonable speculation is far different than wild guessing, so I hope we receive more intel, but it's going to go into a whole different 'quadrant' once "Mars colonies" come into view, and President Trump himself has used similar terms already.

Anonymous ID: 697ce2 Dec. 31, 2017, 4:21 p.m. No.218983   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Good points, but I'd think Russia is the main arms suppliers, at least on the SU300/400's SAMs. You are on the GER changes Q hinted at, but I thought that was Soros related. I think Soros is keeping Deutsch Bank afloat and can sink it, much like he did the Bank of England in 1992. We'll find out soon enough, the 'planefags' were watching and uncovering a lot of flights out of Iran today. Kudos!

Anonymous ID: 697ce2 Dec. 31, 2017, 4:38 p.m. No.219088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9189



>I think I remember that being posted about NK mining,


That was indeed me, S-A. Duh! on me for not seeing the bigger picture on U-1. China had captured the REE's and still has 95% of the market. Musk has US mfg facilities to by-pass the Chinese for the hardware, I would think so as to avoid back-doors. SAPs often involve HUMINT, exposing agents is the need to know aspect. Hillary's server could indeed be a major drop box, but exposing the other things on it? My God! NASA tech along with US mil secrets were sold back in 90's for Bill's reelection, old news now with the Clinton Foundation thirsting for funds. I'm not seeing the picture on Hussein's money drops to Iran? Iran supports Syria in the fight against ISIS as well as to support Hezbollah in Lebanon. Rocket tech to NK via Musk/DS I get, but I need to piece some more of the puzzle to think straight on this mess.

Anonymous ID: 697ce2 Dec. 31, 2017, 4:45 p.m. No.219125   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Or divide up Q posts on spreadsheet by date to fill in or solve what is still missing?


I don't think there are too many issues unresolved, but what I do see ahead is a far deeper rabbit hole once the outstanding ones are filled in.


THE GREAT AWAKENING has only started.


Damn, Karen Carpenter died much too young, too!

Anonymous ID: 697ce2 Dec. 31, 2017, 5:26 p.m. No.219351   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>How the hell did HRC get SAP from a SCIF to "turn into non-paper" (scan) and have Huma email it through her server??


I've asked myself and others that question,too. It didn't come up in Trey's Behghazi Report, either…))


I am aware of the 1953 coup, but that was countered with the 1978 takeover, where are the other 2? Khomeni was in sniper sights in Paris, but was spared. I recall a headline pic after he died, it was an image showing a lot of ammo spread, implying he was taken out. While it is true we 'gave them back what was theirs,' the extra $1.5 billion was pawned off as interest on the principal or something, but was a bribe for hostage release. Since Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran, (let's not forget Selma Hayek is part Iranian to balance things out here!), perhaps that money was intended for black ops funding within Iran. Lot of plane traffic out of Iran/Persia today. Maybe this is a separate issue from the other aspect of U-1/GER/Iran/NK? You bring up any number of good points on Hezbollah, Lebanon, the Lataki River, which I believe drains in the Sea of Galillee and the Jordan River. Golan Heights oil reserves are far too valuable for Israel to ever let go of. Let's also remember Al-Asaad is a London schooled ophthalmologist and not the monster MSM would have us believe. Terrorists must be confronted with aggression equal to or greater than the cruelty they employ in order to be defeated. Saddam Hussein knew this, Moamar Khadaffi knew this, but the CIA refuses to admit reality and arm "rebels" as peace fighters? This is insane!


I hope that President Trump stays out of internal Iranian affairs. Of course the neo-cons see this as a good time (middle of winter?) to aid the people to overthrow the government, but a transition to a secular society would be a far better solution if it were supported by the will of the Persian people themselves. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has a PhD in transportation engineering. From wiki:


Ahmadi Nejad means "the race of Muhammad". According to the interviews with the relatives of Ahmadi Nejad, his father who works in small shop, sold his house in Tehran and bought a smaller one, giving the leftover to charity and poor people.


I've heard he has Jewish roots.


He is the 12th Iman who can fulfill Islamic prophecy and has an excellent understanding of Scripture as I have read some of the things he said and wrote, despite the malignant Western Press and MSM.


We'll see. Thank you for your response, it makes a lot of sense, but in a different light than the angle I was pursuing.